Friday 20 January 2012

Things That Actually Got Done Today

Jeni Says:
I also have one whole day off in a row this week! ... But it isn't today...
I worked the 1pm to 9pm shift today, so I didnt have high hopes for getting alot done. I didn't bother to write a list, but, since Julie wrote one, I will too!

Things I did Today:

1. Got out of bed
2. Drank Coffee
3. One load of laundry (not a great feat, considering there are 4 more where it came from)
4. Wasted about 2 hours of Julie's day, talking to her on the phone about nothing.
5. Wrote about 2 pages of my next book.
6. Crocheted one book mark
7. Wished I had some left over beef vegetable soup from dinner last night, while I packed a sandwich for my lunch at work.Got ready and went to work.
8. Sold absolutely nothing.... (have I mentioned that I work on commission)
9. Came home.

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